Black Friday Made Easy

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. The day after, however, is a time to prepare for the Christmas holiday! Black Friday is a shopping tradition that can be exhausting, but online shopping can prove to be a great alternative to being out during this time. Unfortunately, shopping online can prove to be difficult for seniors. Prior to Black Friday, follow these steps to help make purchases easier that day:

  1. Create a list – Start to prepare a list of items you would like to buy. Think of big ticket items you need for your home and jot them down. You should also include presents you would like to buy for the holidays.
  2. Ask for some help – Get a family member or friend to help you research items on sites like Start to research to see if any of the items are available on the store ads.
  3. Note important information – Note any time restrictions and participating stores that are advertising your desired items to help you on the day of.
  4. Create a schedule – Create a strategy to shop to include times you will be on each site as well as the list of items to look for at each store. If it is too complicated ask a household family member to help you through it.

The key to a good Black Friday is to prepare and have fun. Stores will inevitably advertise items you did not even have on your list, so just be wary of overspending. Happy Black Friday!

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