
Tidying Up Your Home to Prevent Falls

As we grow older with age, we grow a little bit more clumsy and fragile as much as we don’t want to believe it. We do, however, grow a little bit wiser as well. That is why it is important to remember to keep your home as clean and as organized as possible. According to an article by Wyatt Myers, “one out of three seniors will fall this year, but fewer than half of them will talk with their doctors about it.” It is actually the leading cause for senior injuries. That being said, we wanted to provide a few tips on how to keep your sanctuary as safe and clutter-free to reduce any chances of injury.

  1. Clean up any surrounding clutter.
  2. Repair or remove any tripping hazards.
  3. Install grab bars and handrails.
  4. Keep any dark areas well-lit
  5. Be conscious of any slippery areas.

Taking some extra time to organize your home can help prevent any falls and, in turn, help you avoid any injuries that could be life-threatening. So be wise and ensure you have taken every precaution to avoid any of the above potential hazards.

For more information visit everydayhealth.com

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