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Detection and Prevention of Infection

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It’s Wound Care month and as part of our ongoing series, we wanted to educate our community about infections and how to prevent them.

In our previous article, we mentioned that infection is one of the reasons a wound …


Proper Nutrition for Healing Wounds

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Most people don’t know this, but one of the key factors to healing a wound is proper nutrition. Most of our patients focus on caring for the wound directly. However, treating the wound on the surface is only half of …


Why is my wound not healing?

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Over the years we have cared for thousands of wounds of all different types. We wanted to take our learnings and provide you with the top reasons your wound may not be healing, and what to do about it. Wounds …


The Fountain of Youth is Water

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Too often we forget that the best way to stay healthy is to drink water! Too often people would rather go for a more sugary alternative to drink when they feel thirsty, but don’t realize that water is important for …


Mother’s Day Ideas for Your Mother

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Running out of ideas to do for Mother’s Day? You’re not alone. Mother’s Day gets increasingly harder to celebrate as you get older. You can’t just make an ornament and call it a day. She deserves a lot better!

1) …


How Music Therapy Heals the Elderly Soul

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Music is proven to heal the soul. There are so many benefits of music no matter how young or old an individual is. Specifically for the elderly, music has been known to uplift and bring about a positive experience. Integrating …


Senior Meal Musts

While all meals should be prepared with care, it is important that you don’t forget to include specific nutrients.


Brain Rejuvenation in the Digital Age

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Almost 2 decades into the 21st and many of us still wonder when we’ll start seeing flying cars and robot butlers in a common household. We’ve certainly seen quite some advancements in the field of medicine, including in home health

Home care

Home Care Concerns: Myths Debunked

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Hiring a caregiver can cause a lot of anxiety. Clients often find themselves worried about affording home care, finding enough for them to do while they are there, and inviting a stranger into their home. To clarify these and more,


Gift Ideas For Grandparent Day

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Although grandparents probably give the most when it comes to their family, they are often the people who are taken for granted the most. Don’t forget to pay tribute to the patriarchs and matriarchs of your family.

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